For starters let's dispel a nasty rumor...
Chihuahuas are not a type of rodent bred to look like a dog. This is an urban legend that has been thoroughly debunked.
The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world and the oldest breed in North America with it's origins shrouded in mystery. The dog came into prominence about 100 years ago in Mexico but many believe the dog originally came from Egypt while others insist that the Chinese first bred the dog.
Chihuahuas can live up to 15 years old and make great apartment dogs due to their small size. They typically do not like the outdoors and hate the cold which accounts for their tendency to shiver. A sweater is usually a welcome gift and is well tolerated on cooler days.
Many people carry them but it is a good idea to let them walk to keep fit with several 15-20 minute walks a day enough to maintain general fitness. It is generally better to use a harness instead of a collar when walking to prevent choking and throat injuries because of their delicate bone structure.
An affectionate dog, they love to snuggle, make good watchdogs and are safe around children provided they are not teased. They are also realitively cheap to own because they obviously don't eat as much food as a larger dog.
Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot on the top of their head similar to a human that doesn't always close so care must be taken to avoid serious bumps and repeated jumping down from a chair, bed or couch can cause stress injuries on leg joints so you might want to consider buying a pet ramp if you get a Chihuahua.
There are two types of Chihuahuas that are identical except for coat length, the short-haired and the long-haired with the short-haired being the more popular as evidenced by all of the appearences in television and movies.
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